Recovery liturgy and forum today
Our rescheduled Recovery liturgy is taking place today, Sunday, September 11, at the 10:00 am service. St. Michael’s Recovery Ministry participant and parishioner Margaret Thiele will preach, sharing her journey and experience. At the in-person-only forum to follow, Kevin Warren will facilitate a further discussion of recovery and sobriety with Margaret participating. All are invited and welcome to attend at 11:15 am in the Nativity Hall.
Acolyte interactive training today at 10:15
If you (or your child) would like to participate in the St. Michael’s worship services and share your gifts with this faith community, please consider joining the Acolyte Ministry. Our acolytes generally serve once or twice a month and carry the St. Michael’s banner, light the altar candles and ring the bell to mark the start of the service. Youth and adults alike are invited to participate.
Today, right after the 10:00 am service, Leslie Sackett and Gayle Morris are hosting an interactive training in the Nave and Chancel for all those interested in the Acolyte Ministry. In addition, acolytes who haven’t served in a long time due to the pandemic are welcome to join for a refresher.
Assistive listening devices
We want to remind all parishioners and visitors that we offer assistive listening devices (sort of like small headphones) for during the services. If you’re having the experience of not fully hearing the readings, sermon and prayers, these devices can help! Please mention to an usher that you’d like to try a set, or ask JT in the listening booth to the left as you enter the Nave.
St. Michael’s Singers’ program year beginning
Our main choir has resumed rehearsals and is back to lead the singing today at the 10:00 am service. Yay! If you or your child is interested in joining one of our choirs, it’s not too late; please reach out to Music Director & Organist Hannah Brewer or Choir Director Brian Fairbanks. Rehearsals for the St. Michael’s Singers are Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Watch for more informatin about our other choirs coming soon.
Creation Care series
This fragile earth, our island home is the focus of a series of discussions sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin from 6:30 to 8:00 pm on four consecutive Wednesdays in September, from the 7th to the 28th. Each session will have a different focus and will be led by experts in their fields. Check your eblast or the website for more information.
Childcare Open House
Next Sunday, September 18, Leslie Sackett, Associate for Ministry to Families & Children, is holding an open house in the lower-level mural area and childcare room. All parents, grandparents and children (and other interested parishioners) are welcome to come see what the space is like and meet other parents and caregivers. The open house will be going on from 9:30 to 11:30 am, so stop by before or after the service. If you’re not familiar with that part of the church building, it’s a bright, friendly, cheery space with lots of books and age-appropriate toys as well as diaper-changing and snack areas.