Youth Group Spring Plans

The Youth Leader cohort has been busy planning for some in-person youth gatherings this spring. They plan to meet at Normandale Park on Halsey, the same park as in the fall, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. The dates are this coming Sunday, April 25; Sunday, May 16; and Sunday, June 6.

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Support the Equality Act

St. Michael’s Advocacy Action team and the Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN) invites you to support the Equality Act (H.R. 5) by communicating your position as a Christian to our leaders and elected officials before it comes up for a vote in the Senate.

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Tuesdays in Lent: Feasting on the Word

Do you have a devotional practice around what you read in the morning? Would you like to develop one? Many people of prayer have kept books of inspirational texts and poetry nearby to tune their hearts with first thing in the morning.

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Stations of the Cross/Viacrucis

Padre Beto Arciniega is offering Stations of the Cross/Viacrucis in Lent on Fridays at 7:00 pm. These are in Spanish and on Zoom for a more interactive experience.

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Lenten Reflections with Chris+

This Lent, Rector Chris Craun will be using 40-Day Journey with Howard Thurman as a daily practice of reflection, prayer and writing. If you would like to join her, please order the book or reserve one with the office as a few have been purchased. She will be offering space for mutual sharing and conversation on Wednesdays at noon, starting February 24, throughout the season. Please email her if you would like to receive the Zoom link.

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Opportunities for an Uplifting Lent

“Uplifting” may not be the first thing you associate with Lent, but we hope it will be by the time Easter comes around this year. We’ve all suffered enough over the past year, but Lent was never about suffering more, anyway. Lent is a time for us to focus as much of our attention as one community as possible on who God is lifting us up to be, right here, right now. There are a range of ways you can help Lift Up Lent this year at St. Michael’s.

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Advocacy Action News

Oregon’s statewide eviction and foreclosure moratorium has been one of the most successful remedies for communities bearing the brunt of the pandemic, according to a recent op-ed printed in The Oregonian. It was written by leaders of the Oregon Food Bank, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) and the Oregon Law Center.

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COVID-19 Donations

Who knew back in the spring that the scourge of COVID-19 would still be with us as we head in to the holidays? Portland is suffering along with the rest of the country. Many members of our parish have been impacted by the loss of jobs or having had their work hours reduced.

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In the spring, many St. Michael’s parishioners and friends offered to donate money to help those less fortunate, include some who lost most or all of their income and/or were not eligible for federal funds. At the beginning, volunteers bought and delivered actual groceries to two to four families. Then, as the number of families needing help grew to around 15, the team switched to giving grocery gift cards.

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Outreach & Justice Donations

The Outreach & Justice Council has met online every month since the COVID-19 outbreak began and have divided the funds allotted to them from the Operating Fund between many areas of need.

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Global Climate Strike + Advocacy Action

Here’s the latest about the Global Climate Strike as it pertains to St. Michael’s and Portland: EcoFaith Recovery and Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon are hosting an interfaith service and gathering

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Celebrating 25 years of the Misa

The 1:00 pm Spanish-language Misa, or Mass with Eucharist, began at St. Michael’s 25 years ago, originally organized and supported by Fr. John Scannell and Deacon Marla McGarry-Lawrence. In the

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Book Exchange Continues

Our summer book exchange began on July 14 and continues through July 28. You’re invited to bring books for children, youth or adults (no textbooks, please) to the Nativity Hall on Sunday or during the week.

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Pride Parade on Sunday!

It’s finally here! The Portland Pride Parade is Sunday, July 21. St. Michael’s position in the Pride Parade lineup has been moved up to spot #104. That means we will be moving out a bit quicker than we had planned, but we’re still hoping that we will be able to go to church and head downtown on MAX at 11:00.

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Introducing Lenia Salas

Lenia has now officially joined the staff of St. Michael’s and is diving right in. She is attending staff meetings and planning meetings for the upcoming youth retreats, and she will participate in the first retreat next week in Bend. At the end of July, she will begin gathering with the 1:00 pm service youth, alternating middle- and high-school youth in the Raphael Room during the service. She will also participate in the Hope & Fire youth retreat at the beginning of August.

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Introducing James Walker

On Sunday, July 14, James Walker began his long-term organist sub position at St. Michael’s. He is an extraordinary organist and will be playing some favorites this summer.

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Baptism, Beloving, Becoming

On Sunday, July 7, we celebrated the baptism of baby Anders. Many have shared that it was a deeply meaningful and moving experience. And I share those feelings. As I said then, baptism “is pure gift for this child of God: nothing professed or proclaimed or accomplished to earn it. It is the beginning of a life nested in God’s love, marked as Christ’s own for ever, beloved by a community of deep commitment and care.”

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A Note from our Curate

Beloved people of St. Michael & All Angels,
I thank you for a meaningful and enlightening curacy. You have been kind and welcoming. In this environment I was able to bring forth the gifts that God has granted me, knowing I would be met with support and wise direction. I have worked and studied in a number of Episcopal churches over the past few years. All are unique in their gifts. St. Michael’s is not only blessed with a deeply faithful community, but one that is dedicated to living out the Good News in local and global communities.

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