Children & Family Racism Discussion Resources

Because we can no longer be complacent about our self-perceived attitudes concerning race; we need to be active in discussion with our children about what racism is all about. We need to listen to the voices from outside our communities and actively engage in learning for ourselves and our families.

At St. Michael’s we are going to work toward this learning and engagement. Part of that work is looking for, and offering, links to resources and articles that will move and engage.

Social Justice Books: A teaching for change project is a project of Teaching for Change, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write and change the world. Teaching for Change developed in 2017 to identify and promote the best multicultural and social justice children’s books, as well as articles and books for educators. Learn more.

Five Ways to Encourage and Celebrate Diversity with Early Learners

How Kids Learn About Race

Top Mighty Girl Books on Civil Rights History