Four Sunday Services
7:30 am | Historic Liturgy, Spoken
9:00 am | Traditional Liturgy, Contemporary Language with Choir (Watch the live stream here)
11:00 am | Inclusive Liturgy, Prayers from the World with Choir (No 11:00 Service on February 9)
1:00 pm | Misa en Español con el Coro
The Rector's Space

Many & One, In the Spirit / Muchos y Uno, en el Espíritu
As I spoke on briefly in my sermon this morning, the First Epistle to the church in Corinth was written to a fledgling Christian community, struggling to come to into its own identity with core theological understandings, values, organizing principles, and commitments—and situated within the context of a secular society based on extreme hierarchy exercise of power to maintain order.

Music for Sunday, February 9
It’s Black History Month, and one way we are honoring and celebrating the achievements of the African diaspora is through our music choices. This Sunday, February 9, at 9:00 am, the St. Michael’s Singers will offer an arrangement of the African-American spiritual “Children, Go Where I Send Thee” by Dr. André J. Thomas.

Souper Bowl of Caring
The young people of our parish shared a special announcement last Sunday at the 9:00 and 11:00 o’clock liturgies and asked for the congregations’ support the good work of the Northeast Emergency Food Program (NEFP). Our young people were ready with big soup pots to accept your cash and checks, all of which was sent directly to NEFP. This coming Sunday, February 9, we will still gladly accept donations for the Souper Bowl of Caring.

Reckoning with Racism Team in February
Your Reckoning with Racism team will be including brief notes in each weekly newsletter this month to highlight Black History. We begin with an opportunity to learn, explore, and follow your curiosity wherever it may take you. The theme for 2025 is “African Americans and Labor,” focusing on the various and profound ways that work and working of all kinds–free and unfree–has shaped history from 1619 to the present.

No 11:00 Service on Feb. 9 – VSC All-Parish Gathering at 10:15
The first important event of our year-long Strategic Visioning process is happening on Sunday, February 9, from 10:15 am to 12:45 pm. This is the first parish engagement (of three this year), and it is very important to have your experience, your perspective and your voice contributing to this work.