Visit St. Michael’s

St. Michael’s is a welcoming community committed to sharing our journey in Christ.

When We Gather

Worship with us every Sunday in Hollywood. Our life as the people of God is expressed and renewed in the Sunday celebration of Word and Prayer and sharing the bread and wine of God’s Table.

7:30 am: Holy Eucharist Rite I.
A celebration of communion using traditional language from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. This is a more contemplative service, with a smaller attendance than at the other ones. Regulars become close-knit while still welcoming newcomers.

9:00 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II 
A celebration of communion using a mix of the Book of Common Prayer with supplemental liturgical materials. This service includes slightly more traditional prayers and hymns that at the 11:00 am service. Worship is enriched by music with the organ and St. Michael’s Singers.

11:00 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II
A celebration of communion using a variety of contemporary liturgical resources. We draw from a New Zealand Prayer Book and the Iona Prayer Book as well as other, supplemental liturgical materials. Music is provided by the St. Michael’s Singers’ full choir or chamber choir and, once a month, by the Saints & Singers Choir and/or the St. Michael’s Choristers.

1:00 pm Santa Eucaristía. 
A festive celebration of Eucharist in Spanish with prayers, a sermon and lively music. It is usually followed by a convivio, a meal for the community.

During the Week

During the Week

September through June, the church office is open Tuesday-Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Summer hours are Tuesday-Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and closed on Monday. There will frequently be a staff member or volunteer...
What to Expect

What to Expect

What's Sunday worship like? There is no wrong way to come to God in prayer; we’re glad you're here. Sunday services generally last approximately one hour or a little bit longer and include prayers, singing, Bible readings, announcements, Holy Eucharist a...
Where We Gather

Where We Gather

17o4 NE 43rd Ave.Portland, OR 97213 The church office phone number is (503) 284-7141. How do I get to St. Michael's, and where can I park? St. Michael's is centrally located, so you have many options! St. Michael's is close to the Hollywood...

Who we are

Welcome to St. Michael & All Angels! We invite you and your family to share in our life of worship and ministry. Education, fellowship, and spiritual support offer you strength for the journey of faith. Outreach opportunities will develop your skill...