COVID-19 Donations

Who knew back in the spring that the scourge of COVID-19 would still be with us as we head in to the holidays? Portland is suffering along with the rest of the country. Many members of our parish have been impacted by the loss of jobs or having their work hours reduced. Since April, thousands of dollars have been donated to the St. Michael’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund. With discretionary money from the clergy, funds from Outreach & Justice and these donations, nearly $25,000 has been utilized to provide consistent food assistance, pay utility bills and help with rent.  

However, the St. Michael’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund is nearly depleted, and the need is still great. On behalf of the Outreach & Justice Ministries at St. Michael’s, we are making a special appeal. Can you donate to the COVID-19 Emergency Fund at St. Michael’s to help our fellow parishioners who have been caught in this terrible epidemic? You will be helping keep our families safe and whole. The COVID-19 Emergency Fund assistance goes exclusively to St. Michael’s families who have exhausted all other means of assistance.

You can make a donation to the COVID-19 Emergency fund by sending a check to St. Michael’s (please write “COVID-19 Fund in the memo line). You can also donate online using a credit card through the St. Michael’s website – just click on the “Donate to Our Ministries” link and enter your donation amount in the COVID-19 Relief box.
