
Four Sunday Services 

7:30 am | Historic Liturgy, Spoken

9:00 am | Traditional Liturgy, Contemporary Language with Choir (Watch the live stream here)

11:00 am | Inclusive Liturgy, Prayers from the World with Choir (Watch the live stream here)

1:00 pm | Misa en Español con el Coro

The Rector's Space

Lent as Spiritual Quarantine?

Five years ago, the Church was just entering into another season of Lent. But there were other things going on around us. News reports about a virus causing concentrated outbreaks of a mysterious illness were on the rise. It was the beginning of what we now colloquially call “COVID” for short: the global (SARS-coV-2) pandemic that has officially claimed more than 7 million lives around the world and impacted countless more with lasting health challenges from a prior infection.

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Music for Sunday, March 16

Sunday’s offertory anthem is by Imogen Holst (pictured), the only child of British composer Gustav Holst. In A Hymne to Christ, she sets the first two verses of one of John Donne’s Divine poems, including the text “In what torne ship soever I embarke,/ That ship shall be my embleme of thy Arke.”

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Holden Evening Prayer in Lent

Holden Evening Prayer will be held on five Wednesdays starting March 12. Join us in the Parish Hall for a simple soup supper at 5:30 pm, followed by this beloved prayer service in the chancel at 6:15 pm, lasting less than 30 minutes in length.

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Bilingual Book Group for Lent

The Bilingual Lenten Book Group is starting soon It’s a great opportunity for members from the English- and Spanish-speaking congregations to get to know each other, tell our stories and reflect on our common spirituality.

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Lenten Forum Series

We are offering a weekly Lenten Forum facilitated by Seminarian Matt Haines from 10:15 to 11:00 am on five Sundays beginning on March 9. Happening between the 9:00 and 11:00 am services, Matt will lead an exploration of Episcopal saints from twentieth-century America whose faith caused them to radically live out the Baptismal Covenant.

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