A Note from the Interim Rector

[Drum roll, please.] Next Thursday, March 16, a separate eblast will be sent out which will include a letter of introduction from St Michael & All Angels’ new rector. I believe the plan is to notify both the St Michael’s congregation and the new rector’s current congregation at the same time.

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A Note from the Interim Rector

Dear Friends, as I mentioned last week, we have renegotiated the Interim Rector Covenant of Ministry, which will increase my time commitment starting January 1st. I will continue to take Mondays off, and normally plan to be in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I’m adding Friday but will work from home that day or use it for pastoral visits.

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A Note from the Interim Rector

One thing I learned writing a grant for the Lake Oswego Public Library for an Everybody Reads program: one hour of a volunteer’s time was valued at $17.65 – in 2007! Given the hundreds of volunteer hours donated by the St Michael’s community—including but not limited to choir members, bathroom remodelers, Vestry and Search/Profile Committee members, Wednesday volunteers, liturgical ministers, community meals—we are able to accomplish far more than what our budget alone can support.

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Bathroom Remodel Complete!

Most of you are aware that the women’s bathroom downstairs has been in the process of remodel for several months. It’s been quietly used for the past few weeks, but it’s now officially completed – and it’s beautiful! We are very grateful first of all to Jan P., who donated ample funds for the project in memory of Mickey Harnage. Sheri O. also donated the profits from the Red Door Artisan Fair (around $1,000) to the bathroom fund.

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Seeking your Participation!

This is an exceptional stewardship year, a year when we are living into our faith with hope and love as we go through a time of tumultuous change. As we consider what we will give of our treasure, let us also consider what we will give of our time.

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A Note from Sherman

Last week, Julia introduced Team LIFE’s 2022 stewardship education plan, with its theme, Rooted in Our Neighborhood, Branching Out in Love. This week we focus on L, for labor. One definition of stewardship is “everything we do with everything we have” – in other words, everything we do with our time, our gifts and our resources, including our work. Psalm 119 refers to the seven times a day that faithful Jews offered praise to God, and those in monastic communities often speak of their work as prayer, intentionally weaving work and spirituality.

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A Note from Jules

What a year! You’ve seen so much in the last twelve months… the beginnings of tentative steps forward in the wake of the pandemic, the hard transition of two dear priests out of our parish, an interim period of reflection and new-knowing as we move toward our new rector, through a long listening season. It’s been a time of big change, big griefs and big hope. In January,

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A note from Sherman

This Sunday, we will be observing our Patronal Festival of St Michael & All Angels, and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has sent us a video greeting on the occasion of the centennial of that event. See it Sunday!

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A Note from Jules

While away on vacation last week, I was blessed to ride some of the best rollercoasters in the world, at Cedar Point in Northern Ohio near my hometown. My husband and I are theme park megafans, and I can honestly say there is almost nowhere I find more joy than at the top of that first big hill, about to slide 200 feet toward the ground at a hundred miles an hour. But before the big thrill, after they strapped us into our seats, the click-click-click of going upwards toward the top always makes me ask myself, ‘Lord, what have I done? This is a terrible idea!’

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A Note from Sherman, Sept. 8

One of the courses I took in seminary was about the effect of chemical dependence and addiction on family systems. I knew my own family system had stories to tell, because I could remember as a 10-year-old watching my mom flush an entire bottle of Pinch scotch down the toilet. It had been a Christmas gift to my parents from friends.

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