Church News

Baptism, Beloving, Becoming

On Sunday, July 7, we celebrated the baptism of baby Anders. Many have shared that it was a deeply meaningful and moving experience. And I share those feelings. As I said then, baptism “is pure gift for this child of God: nothing professed or proclaimed or accomplished to earn it. It is the beginning of a life nested in God’s love, marked as Christ’s own for ever, beloved by a community of deep commitment and care.”

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A Note from our Curate

Beloved people of St. Michael & All Angels,
I thank you for a meaningful and enlightening curacy. You have been kind and welcoming. In this environment I was able to bring forth the gifts that God has granted me, knowing I would be met with support and wise direction. I have worked and studied in a number of Episcopal churches over the past few years. All are unique in their gifts. St. Michael’s is not only blessed with a deeply faithful community, but one that is dedicated to living out the Good News in local and global communities.

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Music News

Are you a long-time choir member? Someone who’s thinking of joining one of our choirs in the fall? Just like to sing and want to see what it’s like to sit in the chancel area on Sunday morning? Any and all are welcome to join a summer pickup choir this Sunday, June 30, for the 10:00 am service.

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Rector’s Town Hall on June 30

We are arriving at the midway point in this year, and it is an important time in the life of our community. On Sunday, June 30, I will offer a town hall forum from 11:30-12:30 to share together about some of the poignant matters arising in the second half of 2024 and looking ahead toward 2025 for St. Michael’s. Topics will include staff transitions, finances and strategic-vision development.

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