
Ash Wednesday services

Our Ash Wednesday services are at 7:00 am, 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm, all virtual. Please check our Facebook page, the home page of this website or our YouTube channel, STMAA Connection, to watch. The evening service will be bilingual, with music led by our usual Sunday small ensemble of awesome singers and musicians! Click here for the bulletin for all three services. The morning and noon services will be on pages 1-6, and the evening service on pages 7-20.

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Lenten Reflections with Chris+

This Lent, Rector Chris Craun will be using 40-Day Journey with Howard Thurman as a daily practice of reflection, prayer and writing. If you would like to join her, please order the book or reserve one with the office as a few have been purchased. She will be offering space for mutual sharing and conversation on Wednesdays at noon, starting February 24, throughout the season. Please email her if you would like to receive the Zoom link.

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Opportunities for an Uplifting Lent

“Uplifting” may not be the first thing you associate with Lent, but we hope it will be by the time Easter comes around this year. We’ve all suffered enough over the past year, but Lent was never about suffering more, anyway. Lent is a time for us to focus as much of our attention as one community as possible on who God is lifting us up to be, right here, right now. There are a range of ways you can help Lift Up Lent this year at St. Michael’s.

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Legacy Writing Workshop

What is Legacy Writing? Legacy Writing is the opportunity to tell your story, impart your values, life lessons and wisdom. It is also the opportunity to share your love and blessings with family and future generations. Your life has meaning and value. You have a legacy worth leaving future generations. Learn ways to document your unique legacy

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Immigrant Justice Workshop

The Episcopal Church is clear that our mission is to offer a sacred welcome to immigrants and refugees and to work toward immigrant justice. But just how do we do this? What are we called to do as Episcopalians and members of St Michael’s?

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Advocacy Action News

Oregon’s statewide eviction and foreclosure moratorium has been one of the most successful remedies for communities bearing the brunt of the pandemic, according to a recent op-ed printed in The Oregonian. It was written by leaders of the Oregon Food Bank, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) and the Oregon Law Center.

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Holiday Giving Ideas from O&J

This year has certainly been a different one! And Advent at St. Michael’s will be different, too. The Giving Tree, anticipated by many, will be missing. But the Outreach & Justice Council is still fulfilling its mission of outreach to those small, often local ministries for which our funds make a welcome difference.

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Lift Up 2021!

With the first Sunday of Advent we begin a new year in the Church, and with a new year we have new opportunities dawning for how we grow together in the body of Christ. How will we, as a whole community, come to resemble the love and way of Jesus more fully in the year ahead of us? That question is at the heart of everything I (James Joiner, Associate Rector) am dreaming up for our Adult Education and Formation offerings this year, a project we’re calling Lift Up 2021.

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