The Work of Transition

Update from Senior Warden Rick Parker

The Vestry has started its work to find a new rector. We have doubled the number of Vestry meetings and are working on the committee charters and the letters of interest for the applicants. We should have those available for everyone before Christmas.

We have also been working with our transition consultant The Rev. Carol Sedlacek and diocesan Bishop Akiyama to hire our interim rector. What we have discovered is that nationally there is a very limited number of clergy that have taken on the role of interim rector. We have been talking to dioceses across the country about calling an interim rector and currently still don’t have a candidate. We may be hearing from new and inspiring preachers from all walks of life over the next couple of months as we look for our interim rector. If you feel called to deliver a 10-minute homily for the 9:00 and 11:00 am services, let Rick Parker know. We can talk!

Transition Process Overview:

On average, it takes nine months to a year to complete this process. The process consists of the following steps:

A. The Parish Profile is assembled and given to the Bishop for approval.

B.   The parish works with the transition minister to advertise the position.

C.   The Bishop’s office does an initial vetting of the applicants and then sends the parish the applications of the priests who may be a good match, given what is outlined in their profile.

D.  The Search Committee interviews these candidates and recommends the top choice(s) to the Vestry for approval.

E.       The names of the finalist(s) is sent to the Bishop’s office to have the required background check completed.

F.  A job description and covenant agreement are worked out and given to the Bishop for approval, and the priest is called.

The committees are staffed by members of the parish. There is Vestry representation on the committees as non-voting advisors.

PROFILE COMMITTEE (typically 5-7 people)

This committee will create the process for congregational input and collect and compile information about our congregation. The output will be to write a parish profile document and submit the profile to the Vestry for approval. Once approved, the document is submitted to the Bishop for approval and presented to the parish. Finally, the committee, with the help of the Diocese, will put together advertising for the rector position and, in conjunction with our personnel committee, outline a job description, salary and benefits.

SEARCH COMMITTEE (typically 7-9 people)

The Search Committee is charged with sorting through candidate profiles and selecting those from whom to request further information. Candidates meeting the job requirements from the Parish Profile will be selected for phone and/or web-conference interviews. From that candidate pool, some candidates will be asked for any on-site visits. The committee with also check references. The final candidates will be invited for site interviews. These candidates will be forwarded to the Bishop’s office for background checks. The final candidates will be interviewed by the Vestry, and selection will be made by the Vestry with an offer made going through the Bishop.

COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE (typically 3-4 people)

This committee will create communications to the parish on the past, current and upcoming activities of transition to a permanent rector. The committee will be using existing communication tools such as The Messenger, the eblast and the bulletin as well as developing other outreach and communication tools as necessary. The committee will be responsible for communication back to the committees as well as fielding the questions and concerns of the parish to enable two-way communication and foster clear understandings between the Vestry, the staff, the diocese and the parish.


All candidates for the committee work will be asked to create a letter of intent that identifies the committee work of interest as well as contact information and some indication of skills and reasons to serve on the committee. Members of the Search Committee are voted on by the Vestry. Members of the Profile and Communication Committees are selected based on parishioner interest and skills.
