The Triduum – The Great Three Days

Our remaining Holy Week services begin this evening, April 6. All are welcome! All of these services (except the 7:30 am Easter morning) will be live-streamed. The Easter Vigil and Easter Day liturgies will be followed by receptions in the Parish Hall. Please read more details here in the Easter letter.

On Maundy Thursday, April 6, at 6:00 pm, we offer the Agapé Supper in the Parish Hall, followed by the 7:00 pm Liturgy of the Last Supper with optional foot-washing in the church and the stripping of the altar. The Rev. Sherman Hesselgrave will preside and preach. Music will be led by the St. Michael’s Singers and the Choristers.

The Good Friday service on April 7, at 7:00 pm will be bilingual and include the Stations of the Cross and reading of The Passion. This service begins in the courtyard, weather permitting. The St. Michael’s Singers will lead the music. The labyrinth will be set up and available to walk in the Nativity Hall from 5:00 pm till the service begins at 7:00 pm.

The Easter Vigil service is on Saturday, April 8, at 8:00 pm. This is a candle-lit Festival Eucharist, and Sherman+ will preside and preach. Music will be led by the St. Michael’s Singers. 

On Easter Sunday, April 9, services will be at 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am in English; 1:00 pm en español. The Rev. Sherman Hesselgrave will preside and preach at the 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am services, and el Rvdo. Beto Arciniega will preside and preach at the 1:00 pm service. Music will be led by the St. Michael’s Singers and feature the Portland Brass Quintet.
