Dear Ones,
This is certainly an Easter like no other we have experienced. While I have heard some people wonder about postponing the celebration of Easter when we are all able to be together again, what is so powerful and beautiful about God is that Easter happens regardless. To be honest, there are some ways that I have felt closer to you than I have ever before – through our prayers (who knew you all were so into the Daily Office?), our continued gatherings via Zoom, our connecting place on Facebook Live, the work of our Angel Groups, and through our longing. Our deep longing to be together is a sign of our connection and love.
We continue to be a community that manifests joy, embraces resilience, lives in love, and seeks justice, and Easter is happening all around us. Many of you have asked about donating for Easter – donating for the needs that are arising due to COVID-19 or donating to the discretionary accounts of your clergy. The long-term effects of this pandemic are still unknown, and yet there are some who are already feeling the pinch.
One suggestion that has come up is that many of us will receive a check from the government. Some of us will need this, some of us will not, and some of us need it and will not receive it due to documentation status. If you find that you can pass this along to those in need within our community, please do. You will see on our website that our DONATE button includes an option to give to COVID-19 Relief. This fund will be used at the discretion of our clergy who hear of those in need through our network of communication. If you write a check and mail it in, please write COVID Relief in the memo.
Also, as we have done in the past, donations can be given in memorial or thanksgiving as part of our Easter Offering. While we do not need funds for beautifully arranged flowers or music this year, we do need money to offset the overall decrease in our offering plate as we are not able to gather in person. Easter Offerings not designated to COVID Relief will be used in our daily operating expenses to pay our clergy and staff. Please email Gloria today if you’d like mention of an Easter gift in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one in our bulletins. If you can’t do that, please know that it will appear in next week’s bulletins and/or eblast.
Easter is happening, friends, all around us. To help us connect to one another, and to give us the motivation or excuse to put on our Easter best, please take a picture of yourself and/or your household on Easter Sunday and send it to Gloria at We’d love to make a video of all of your faces on Easter and send it out in our e-blast on April 16.
Happy Easter, St. Michael’s. I miss you.
The Rev. Christopher Craun, Rector