The Episcopal Church is urging all its members to take part in the 2020 United States Census. The mission of the census is to count every single person in the United States, without regard to age, immigration or citizenship status, whether or not someone is incarcerated or on parole, or whether they are facing homelessness. The goal of the Church is to help ensure that everyone is counted.

Census data is used to determine representation in the House of Representatives, as well as state legislatures and local boards. It is also used to allocate funding for programs that help address poverty, healthcare, education, criminal justice, infrastructure and many others.
- Census results affect planning and funding for infrastructure, including programs for highway planning and construction, Section 8 housing, federal transit, community development and rural water and waste disposal systems.
- Census results affect planning and funding for healthcare, including programs such as Medicaid, Medicare Part B, State Children’s Health Insurance, and the prevention and treatment of substance abuse.
- Census results affect planning and funding for education, including programs such as Head Start, PELL Grants, school lunches, rural education, adult education and grants for preschool special education.
- Census results helps communities respond to natural disasters and secure funding for hospitals and fire departments.
If you have not yet completed your form, you can do so now. Complete the survey online at; or complete the survey by phone at 844/330-2020 or en español 844/468-2020.