Taizé Prayer Service in February

The new year 2020 offers another opportunity to join the St. Michael’s community at prayer. This simple, brief and engaging prayer offering follows the worship tradition of the Taizé Community in France.  A preacher at St Michael’s recently urged us to get out of our boats and follow Jesus. The ability to do that is often dependent on our ability to trust God’s promise of God’s unconditional love. The ’theme’ of the Taizé Prayers for Monday, February 10, 7:00 to 7:45 pm in the Nave, is trust. God calls us to be salt and light in the world. Brother Roger, the founder of the Taizé Community said, ”A trusting heart is the beginning of everything.” Come join in the prayers and simple chants of Taizé. In the quiet moments of our gathering, may you find a renewal of trust and hope.
