Parking & other Reminders

We could be quite busy at our Holy Week services beginning with Maundy Thursday tonight. Please remember that we may park after 5:00 pm on the right-hand side (west side) of the Liebert & Liebert Accountants lot, 4300 NE Broadway, and in the Broadway Medical Clinic lot. We may park on both sides of the Liebert building in the clinic lot on Sunday. Please leave the several spots in front of the Liebert entrance clear. Do NOT park in the Hollywood East lot (just to the west of the high-rise) or in the Dollar Tree lot. Also, we suggest you use the “buddy system” to return to your car after dark.

Masks are optional for all services, and we’ll have extras available. Also, there will be overflow seating on Easter Day in the Nativity Hall. A livestream of the services will be shown on a big screen.
