Four Sunday Services
7:30 am | Historic Liturgy, Spoken
9:00 am | Traditional Liturgy, Contemporary Language with Choir (Watch the live stream here)
11:00 am | Inclusive Liturgy, Prayers from the World with Choir (Watch the live stream here)
1:00 pm | Misa en Español con el Coro
The Rector's Space
To Seek and Serve God in all Persons
“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger people for the living of life! Do not pray for tasks equal to your gifts. Pray for the gifts to meet the work in front of you! Then the doing of your work will not be the miracle. But you shall be the miracle. And every day you shall wonder at the grace, mercy, love and power that has come from God through you into the world.”
Evensong for Candlemas
The St. Michael’s Singers will present a Choral Evensong for Candlemas (also known as the Presentation of Christ or the Purification) on Sunday, February 2, at 5:00 pm.
Christmas Services
We wish you all a healthy, happy and blessed Christmas season. With joy, we invite all to our worship services with music and Holy Eucharist on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
The Longest Night Service
On Saturday, December 21, at 5:00 pm, we will come together to celebrate The Longest Night Service. We will remember loved ones who have died and also reflect on the pain, loneliness and sadness we may feel that may keep us from joy and the fullness of life.
Advent Giving Tree
The season of Advent is here, and with it our Advent Giving Tree. The tree is now up and ready for tags to be taken. The tree will remain up through December, and the gift items will be delivered in early January. This year, there are three ways to help those in need.