
Four Sunday Services 

7:30 am | Historic Liturgy, Spoken

9:00 am | Traditional Liturgy, Contemporary Language with Choir (Watch the live stream here)

11:00 am | Inclusive Liturgy, Prayers from the World with Choir (Watch the live stream here)

1:00 pm | Misa en Español con el Coro

The Rector's Space

We Are Doing a Lot of Dishes

This week, I’m in Kansas City at the Episcopal Parish Network conference, reconnecting with colleagues and learning about ministry with marginalized communities, adaptive leadership, and capital fundraising. Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe is here, sharing his vision for transformation in The Episcopal Church. And, as always, the backdrop to our conversations is the immense upheaval and uncertainty in our country and beyond.

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Broadway Night this Weekend

Now we need more than ever to keep celebrating joy, bravery, and expression in all its forms. Our choir members are voluntarily putting themselves out there for our Broadway Night fundraiser: singing, dancing, memorizing lyrics and choreography, preparing a welcoming, beautified space with silent auction items, wine and dessert.

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Coming Up Soon: Broadway Night!

The music program at St. Michael & All Angels presents our yearly fundraiser on the evenings of Friday, February 28, and Saturday, March 1 (a little early this year due to where Easter falls). Buy tickets in person on Sunday mornings or at the doors each night, starting at 6:30 pm.

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Reckoning with Racism in February: Week 2

For Week 2, we’re directing your attention to the Oregon Black Pioneers website and, specifically, to their History Maps tool. Please take some time to explore History Maps, following your interests and curiosity wherever they take you. You’ll be glad you did! Because of our work on the St. Michael’s land story, we clicked on the map point closest to St. Michael’s and followed the thread as far as we could (within reason) not knowing what more we might learn about our neighbors and neighborhood history.

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Souper Bowl of Caring: Update

Thanks to all the kids who made the Souper Bowl of Caring announcement on February 2nd – you were terrific! So far, we’ve raised over $1,700 for the Northeast Emergency Food Program.

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Information regarding services for 01/21/24

Tomorrow, Sunday, January 14, there will be one worship service only at 11:00 am, in the building and online. The 7:30 and 9:00 am services are cancelled. Beto+ is leading Morning Prayer in Spanish on Facebook at 1:00 pm.

We are hopeful that Liturgy of the Word will happen and Choristers rehearsal as well unless those folks hear from Brian.

Conditions allowing, we will still offer our Candidates Forum at 10:15 am with Helen Crandell and Scott+ in the Nativity Hall.

The Cathedral Trio concert scheduled for tonight, Saturday, January 20, has also been postponed. Please look for the new date coming soon.

Join us next week for our regular schedule!