Music for the Last Sunday in Epiphany

This Sunday’s offertory anthem, Gwyneth Walker’s Dazzling as the Sun, has a transfiguration text by Delores Dufner of the Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict in Minnesota. The poem echoes the gospel message of “Listen to him,” which Rev. Sherman will also explore in his sermon. The communion anthem, meanwhile, is a brief gem of a piece by Edward Bairstow on a text from the Song of Solomon.

To continue highlighting Black History Month, Sunday’s organ prelude will be by the 19th century black British composer and conductor Samuel Coleridge-Taylor who had several successful tours of the United States in the early 1900s where he was dubbed the “African Mahler.” Sunday’s postlude is an arrangement of the gospel song “Amen” as we say goodbye to the Epiphany season.
