As we return to two separate bulletins for the 9am and 11am services in Lent, our service music also changes for the season. Sundays in Lent will feature settings by two of the most influential African-American Episcopal music leaders working today. At 9am we’ll sing David Hurd’s New Plainsong chant setting for the Trisagion, Sanctus, and Lamb of God, which are very familiar and beloved in this congregation. Dr. Hurd was Professor of Sacred Music and Director of Chapel Music at General Theological Seminary for 39 years and is presently the Director of Music at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin in New York City.
At 11am in Lent we’ll try out a newer (for us) setting of the Kyrie, Sanctus, and Lamb of God by Carl MaultsBy (seen above), who serves as the Director of Music/Organist at St. Richard’s Episcopal Church in Winter Park, Florida. Dr. MaultsBy has been a member of the Episcopal Church Standing Committee on Liturgy and Music and is the author of the book Afro-Centric Liturgical Music, among others. Let us know how you like his gospel-inspired musical setting this season.