This Sunday, November 13, our 9 am and 11 am services will be supported by the tenors and basses of the St. Michael’s Singers while the sopranos and altos have the morning off. The low voice choral anthem will be an arrangement of the traditional spiritual “We shall walk through the valley in peace” by the Florida conductor and teacher Ronald Burrichter.
The morning’s 9 am organ voluntaries are by French-Canadian composer Denis Bédard, with a piece composed for his wife in 2011, and early 20th century French composer Henriette Renié (1875-1956) with an invention “in the old style.” At 11 am, Hannah will be at the piano with arrangements on “Down to the river to pray” and “For the fruit of all creation.” Many of the hymns on Sunday, meanwhile, hint either at the theme of stewardship (for our pledge card ingathering) or honoring our veterans for Veteran’s Day on November 11.