The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and the environment, falls on October 4 this year. We will celebrate on Sunday, October 6, with a Blessing of the Animals between the 11:00 am and 1:00 pm services in the courtyard. Pets in all forms are welcome, including favorite photos and stuffed animals. Well-behaved pets (preferably on leash or in some kind of carrier) are invited into the nave during those two services so that you don’t have to go home to retrieve your pet. Photo ops with St. Francis (or a life-size cutout) are encouraged!
We’re continuing today with our ministry sponsorships of special receptions. After the 11:00 am service, the Newcomer Ministry will host a reception in the courtyard for the community. Committee members will be available to chat with congregants and visitors alike about what they are doing and why it’s important. The committee’s goal is to make sure everyone feels personally welcomed and included.