There’s a lot happening with the St. Michael’s Youth Group! On Sunday, October 6, Lenia will lead her weekly group for middle-schoolers in the Raphael Room at 1:15 pm. From 5:00 to 6:30 pm, all high-schoolers are invited to the Parish Hall for snacks, games and conversation. RSVPs for this gathering and the confirmation class mentioned below are welcome but not required.
Also! Scott+ is offering an invitation to join our Youth Confirmation Group – for conversation, learning, faith exploration, and considering Confirmation in the Episcopal Church. These gatherings/sessions/classes will be led by Scott+ and our Seminarian Matt Haines. They will happen every Sunday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 pm, October 6 to November 17, except for a retreat day on Saturday, November 9, taking the place of the 10th. Each Sunday session will have a different topic for discussion.
Finally, another Hope & Fire youth retreat is happening October 25-26, coinciding with the Diocesan Annual Meeting so that the youth can witness and be involved with the convention. This retreat will be at St. Paul’s in Salem, and a parent driver or two will be needed. Click here for more information and registration; watch your email for details.
For your family’s planning, regular youth-group meetings are as follows:
• 1st & 3rd Sundays (High School) – 5:00–6:30 pm in the Parish Hall
• 2nd & 4th Sundays (starting September 22) (Middle School) – 10:15-11:00 am
• Every Sunday, Middle School during the 1:00 service (about 1:15 pm in the Raphael Room)