Misa Community News

There’s a lot going on with the Spanish-speaking community these days. The Misa happens every Sunday at 1:00 pm, and all are welcome to attend – maybe even pick up a little Spanish! There is a regular rotation of crucifers, acolytes and lectors who serve on Sundays, as well as ushers to welcome attendees and distribute bulletins. The service is usually followed by a convivio in the Parish Hall, a meal provided by one or two families.
For Lent, an almost equal number of Spanish- and English-speaking members are meeting for a bilingual book study after the convivio. Many of those English-speakers also attend the Misa before the book study. The Coro (choir) meets every Friday night in St. Michael’s House to rehearse, and a Spanish-language prayer group meets in the house on Thursday evenings. Quite recently, Sunday School for young children resumed in the Mural Room during the 1:00 service.
The 1:00 services are livestreamed by JT Quanbeck along with the 9:00 and 11:00 am services and are watched throughout the week, often by parishioners who work on Sundays. They’re posted with our other services on our YouTube channel, STMAA Connection under the “Live” heading.