Listening Sessions for the Parish Profile

Listening Sessions are being hosted across St. Michael’s… Join us! 

Every St. Michael’s parishioner is invited to join in at least one session to share stories and connections and to hear many diverse voices across our parish about what we desire in our new rector and what the Spirit is calling us toward in the future.

Hosted by members of the parish, we’ll seek to reflect on the following questions to build the Profile:

  1. What gifts, skills, and contributions do you witness in our parish that excite you?
  2. What are the deep needs in you, in the broader neighborhood around St. Michael’s, and in the world, that God is calling us to act on or listen to?
  3. Thinking of the unique gifts of St. Michael’s and the deep needs you discussed: how can we strengthen St. Michael’s in the future? What are the characteristics of a rector who would support us in this growth in the future?

To attend a Listening Session look for the schedule in the E-Messenger or contact the office for a link.
