Lenten Opportunities

We are offering three meaningful prayer and study opportunities this Lenten season. One is a small-group gathering, and two are book studies.

First is an opportunity for a small-group gathering. The Season of Lent invites us to pause, reflect, pray and meditate on the Scriptures as a way to prepare our hearts and minds to fully celebrate Easter as well as listen deeply for all the ways we are being called to intentionally live the meaning of this Holy Season. As you consider your intention for Lent this year, you are invited to consider joining with others for a one-hour, weekly Zoom gathering to pray and reflect on the gospel for the upcoming Sunday, as a Lenten practice. If you are interested in being a part of a Zoom group during this Lenten Season, email Mary Myers (email address in the directory). Mary’s groups have selected Practicing Hope as a theme. If you are interested in being trained to facilitate one of these groups, please let Mary or Interim Rector Sherman Hesselgrave know that as well.

Second, Fr. Sherman has decided to facilitate an in-person, brown-bag book discussion on five Wednesdays, starting March 1 at 11:00 am at the church. The book he has chosen is the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book for 2023, Bishop Emma Ineson’s Failure: What Jesus Said About Sin, Mistakes and Messing Stuff Up. It can be purchased for $11.65 (22% off) from The Book Depository with free worldwide shipping. It is also available as a Kindle ebook for $11.49. We’ll have a few available for purchase in the office soon.

In the first chapter, the author quotes Jim McDermott, an associate editor of America: The Jesuit Review: “I . . . wonder if a certain sense of failure during Lent is actually a good thing. In part, it reminds us that Lent is not a home renovation show. The primary goal of the season is not self-improvement; we are not here to fix up our own personal backsplash. We are trying to open ourselves to a deeper relationship with our friend and savior, Jesus.” If you are interested or have any questions, please email Sherman.

Finally, whether you speak English or Spanish, here is an intercultural opportunity not to be missed – a bilingual Lenten study group! This group will be reading and reflecting on Encounters with Jesus: Stories of Faith for Lent (2023), written by Latino leaders from across the Episcopal Church. Padre Beto and Rev. John Scannell, along with Latino members from the 1:00 service and Immigrant Welcoming Congregation Ministry team members, are offering this Lenten experience. Click here for a synopsis of the book.

This study group will meet in-person from 2:30 to 3:15 pm after convivio in the Nativity Hall on the first five Sundays of Lent, from February 26 through March 26. Books will be available later in the month in the office or from Padre Beto. Please contact Bev Hoeffer for more information and to sign up.
