On Sunday, November 3, we’ll continue with several traditions, both old and new. To the left of the Chancel, you’ll find the Book of Remembrance. Starting Sunday, October 20, please write in the names of loved ones who have died, and put an asterisk next to those who passed since last All Saints. Those names will be listed in the bulletins and read aloud during the services. You may also bring a small framed photo of a deceased loved one on October 27 and place it on the Altar de los Muertos, which will be set up in front of the main altar.

Another special tradition is creating a great feast out of the favorite dishes of our deceased loved ones. If you’d like to honor someone from your life, you are encouraged to make one of their favorite dishes and share it at our All Saints reception between the 9:00 and 11:00 am services. You may also bring a small photo of those person to place next to the dish. Please let Paula know you’re bringing a dish and/or if you can help with the reception, at psrmelody@comcast.net.