Fall Music Update

The St. Michael’s Music Program is up and running! All three of our choirs are meeting over Zoom and doing amazing work in spite of COVID restrictions. The St. Michael’s Singers rehearse on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, the Choristers (3rd to 12th grades) meet on Tuesdays at 4:30 pm, and the Saints & Singers gather to rehearse on occasional Thursdays at 7:00 pm.

The four section leaders, along with Music Director/Organist Hannah Brewer and Choir Director Brian Fairbanks, meet during the week to rehearse and record the anthem for the following Sunday. Then they lead the singing in person on Sunday, and all watching the service can follow along in the leaflet/bulletin and sing out at home.

The St. Michael’s Singers have created several virtual choir videos, and the Choristers have created one so far. All of these videos can be seen on our YouTube channel, STMAA Connection. The Saints & Singers are now preparing their own video (Soon and very soon) to be shown during the 10:00 am service on Sunday, November 29. These are complex and difficult projects to manage and produce, but we think you’ll agree that they are well worth the effort!

One very special musical event took place on Halloween night, October 31, and can be watched or re-watched at STMAA Connection. The Organ Spooktacular: Haunted Pipes & Poetry is an hour-long journey through some amazingly spooky (and difficult) organ pieces and eerie poems read by parishioners in costume.

Another special event being planned now is virtual Advent Lessons & Carols, which will take place on Saturday, December 19. This will be a beautiful and traditional service which the St. Michael’s Singers work hard to prepare for each December.

If you have any questions about the St. Michael’s choirs, please contact Hannah Brewer or Brian Fairbanks.
