“Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week (the final week of Lent) and honors Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem as depicted in the Gospels. As Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, crowds gathered in the streets laying coats in his path, thus treating Jesus like royalty. they also laid palm branches, an ancient symbol of victory and peace, in the road.”
Click here to continue reading the Palm Sunday document created by The Rev. Jennifer McNally and The Rev. Anna V. Ostenso Moore.
Meet in the Nativity Hall this Sunday, April 10, for the 9:00 & 11:00 am services. Both services begin in the Nativity Hall. Weather permitting, the congregation is invited to process around the block singing our Palm Sunday “Hosannas!” before we enter the church for the rest of the liturgy. Children can gather in the courtyard with Leslie Sackett after the procession; we will then move to the Parish Hall for Children’s Liturgy of the Word.