Blue Sky Grant Awarded to St. Michael’s

Great News: St Michael’s has been awarded a Blue Sky Grant from Pacific Power for 2020

At St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, in the heart of the Hollywood neighborhood, we were informed late last February that we are one of a dozen recipients of a 2020 Pacific Power Blue Sky renewable-energy award to help fund a new solar-array installation on the south-facing roof of our church. Because this project allows us to generate our own electricity, we’ll save on energy costs, meaning we can dedicate more of our budget to our core mission work and other social and outreach ministries working for environmental and other causes. The project will also serve as a model for our community.

Blue Sky is an opt-in program that gives Pacific Power customers an option to match all or part of their energy use with renewable energy – reducing their carbon footprints and driving demand for new renewable energy in the West. In addition, each year organizations are invited to apply for community-project funds, which Blue Sky participants can support to help fund renewable-energy installations at schools, community centers and arts organizations throughout the region.

Thanks to a funding award from Pacific Power’s Blue Sky program participants, St. Michael’s will soon generate its own clean, renewable power and reduce our utility costs by about 35% annually. This $49,102 award will support the installation of a solar electrical project at St. Michael’s, covering 72% of the installation cost of the 22kW, 71-panel solar electric system. St. Michael’s joins more than 130 organizations across Pacific Power’s service area that since 2006 have received awards for community-based renewable projects, including solar, wind, geothermal and other forms of renewable energy.  In addition, we received word that our grant proposal with The Diocese of Oregon for the solar project was approved.

Looking forward, construction of the solar PV system will begin at St. Michael’s in late July and is scheduled to be completed by the third week in August. Look for more solar news in the future. 

Your Green Team & Dan Bagwell, Solar Coordinator for St. Michael’s
