
Update from the RwR Cohort

November is National Native American Heritage Month. You can access a bounty of fascinating Native American information, resources, exhibits, collections and more at We strongly commend it to you. For example, after just a few moments of searching the site, my eye caught the name Sarah Winnemucca in the “Today in History” links.

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A Note from the Rector

Portland area teachers and Portland Public Schools are now well into the second week of a strike, with schools remaining closed. It is getting harder on everyone. Prior to seminary and ordination, I was a public high school teacher in Texas. Teachers in Texas have no collective bargaining rights and limited ability to organize. Teacher “unions” are relegated to offering education resources, liability insurance, and some legal representation to their members.

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Seeking Vestry Members & Convention Delegates

The St. Michael’s Vestry is beginning to plan for elections at the Annual Meeting, which will take place on January 28, 2024. We will be voting for four new members of the vestry as well as convention delegates. Please prayerfully consider if you have the time and interest in serving in one of these vitally important positions.

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Advent Fair

All are welcome for this annual event welcoming the Advent season on Sunday, November 26, at 10:00 am in the Nativity Hall. There will be seasonal crafts galore as well as the makings for a beautiful Advent wreath.

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Commitment Season Updates

THANK YOU to all of you who have turned in your pledges, either during the services on our Ingathering Sunday last week or previously in the mail, collection basket or online. And if you’re wondering… yes, we’ll gladly continue to accept your pledges for the foreseeable future! We have a ways to go before we can fully fund our staff and ministries for 2024.

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Youth Group Gathering & Opportunity

This Sunday, November 5, the St. Michael’s Youth Group will meet from 5:00 to 6:30 pm in the Nativity Hall for dinner, games and fellowship. Please give us a heads up if you’re coming so we have enough food.

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