The St. Michael & All Angels Recovery Ministry is celebrating recovery and sobriety with a Recovery Sunday Eucharist next Sunday, August 25, at our 10 o’ clock service. The Rev. Marla McGarry-Lawrence will preach.
During the service, we will enjoy the musical gifts of Grammy Award-winning guitarist Doug S., a member of the AA group which meets at St. Michael’s. He will perform the prelude, offertory anthem and postlude.
All are invited to the Nativity Hall after the service for a forum offering to our community. Doug S. and other members of the recovery community will lead a panel discussion regarding their journeys in recovery and sobriety. Please join us in support of those who are called to share their experience, strength and hope with our St. Michael’s community.
St. Michael and All Angels Recovery Ministry exists to support those who desire a renewal of faith and life through recovery and understanding of drug, alcohol, and other addictions. Through education and trust building, we work to develop an environment where support, hope, and understanding are available to all.