Advocacy Action Activity

Advocacy Action Sunday is February 11th. This month, at the encouragement of the Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN), we will be writing to our elected officials to urge them to support a FY2024 budget that provides robust funding for Election Security Grants. What are those?? Well, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 established a program to provide federal funds to states and territories to upgrade voting systems and improve the administration of federal elections. The law also mandated the creation of the Election Assistance Commission to administer HAVA grant programs.

Following threats in recent elections and a lack of prior investment in infrastructure updates, Congress passed and maintained funding in 2018 for these updates. Congress must continue to invest in supporting states in maintaining our election infrastructure to meet the present-day challenges. Look for the Advocacy Action table after the 9:00 am service this Sunday, and thank you for your support of this important issue.
