Youth Group Fall Schedule

Now that the program year is in full swing, our youth groups are meeting regularly. There are two youth-group gatherings happenings this coming Sunday, September 22. All middle-schoolers are invited to meet at 10:15 am in the lower-level Choir Room. In addition, youth leader Lenia Salas leads a gathering for middle-school youth from all services during the 1:00 pm service. Please meet in the Raphael Room.

For your family’s planning, regular youth-group meetings are as follows:

•             1st & 3rd Sundays (High School) – 5:00–6:30 pm in the Parish Hall

•             2nd & 4th Sundays (starting September 22) (Middle School) – 10:15-11:00 am

•             Every Sunday, Middle School during the 1:00 service (about 1:15 pm in the Raphael Room)

ALSO – Scott+ and our seminarian Matt Haines will host confirmation classes for youth who are interested in deeper discussions about Faith, Spirituality, Christianity and Episcopalianism. These will happen for seven Sunday afternoons from October 6 to November 10, from 3:30-5:00 pm at the church. You are invited to consider being confirmed by Bishop Akiyama at church on November 17, but that commitment isn’t required to attend the classes, and you can decide after we’ve had a few sessions together.
