A Note from our Curate, Part 2

If God’s plans are to be found in the Bible (and they are!), then the blueprints are located in the Creation story of Genesis. These ancient writings describe the series of acts performed by God to bring the universe into existence. Over six days, God designed and produced the natural world, of which humankind is a part.

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Forum on Sunday, May 5

On May 5, we will welcome Jim Henderson, speaker, author and friend of Scott+’s. Scott+ wrote about Jim in his eblast note of January 25. Jim and his project partner Jim Hancock wrote the book “3 Practices for Crossing the Difference Divide” (1. I’ll practice being unusually interested in others. 2. I’ll stay in the room with difference. 3. I’ll stop comparing my best to your worst.), and they run 3 Practice Circles around the country

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Music for Sunday & Upcoming

The St. Michael’s music program presents its final Choral Evensong of the season for the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday, May 9, at 7:00 pm. Music includes organ voluntaries by Olivier Messiaen and Dieterich Buxtehude, as well as C.V. Stanford’s “Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in C” and Gerald Finzi’s triumphant Ascension anthem “God is Gone Up.” All are welcome to this Ascension Day service lasting less than an hour, officiated by the Rev. SuEllen Pommier.

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Musical Happenings at St. Michael’s

All are invited to another recital by Ensemble Boulanger (that’s pianist Hannah Brewer and soprano Emma Cowell) in the Nativity Hall this Saturday, April 27, at 4:00 pm. The theme is German Romantic Lieder, with songs, piano solos, and piano duets by 19th-century composers. Then on Sunday, April 28, not only do we get the treat of hearing our St. Michael’s Choristers and Joyful Players sing a song to close their Easter play at the sermon time; but we have a lovely anthem at 9:00 am and 11:00 am sung by the St. Michael’s Singers by beloved American composer Randall Thompson.

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A Note from our Curate

In 2019, I left my laboratory and headed for Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP) seminary. This was a somewhat scary as the laboratory had been my home all of my adult life. I soothed my fears by leaving under the terms of a sabbatical. As it transpired, however, I would never formally return to being a full-time scientist again. While it could be said that the COVID pandemic changed the course of my plans—and certainly it did in many ways—what actually happened is I fell in love with studying the Word of God.

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The Road to Connections

The new graphics on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall are an invitation to become more connected to St. Michael’s by finding a place to serve. Together, we can find new ways to use our spiritual gifts to contribute and grow in community. It started out as part of the newly formed Newcomers Committee’s efforts to help newer folks find their way more easily into parish life.

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Children’s Play on April 28

The young people from the Joyful Players classroom (3rd grade & up) are getting ready to present the story “A Tale of Three Trees” at the 9 & 11 o’clock liturgies next Sunday, April 28. This beloved folktale explores the hopes and dreams we have for ourselves – and the even greater dream that God dreams for each of us.

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Earth Day Forum & Film

The Creation Care Team invites you to an Earth Day Forum between services on Sunday, April 21. We will show the exciting new movie, “Common Ground,” a film that explains how regenerating the world’s soils has the potential to rapidly stabilize the Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems and create abundant food supplies.

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