Evening Prayer

Church sanctuary 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

St. Michael’s Singers rehearsal

Nativity Hall 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

The St. Michael's Singers is our main adult choir, rehearsing every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and singing every Sunday morning at 9:00 and/or 11:00 am.

Misa escuela

Nativity Hall, Raphael Room and others 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Misa prayer group

Chapel 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Prayer group in Spanish

Coffee Hour & Convivio

Parish Hall 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Coffee hour (coffee and treats) and convivio (meal) happen every Sunday following the 9:00 and 11:00 am services and the 1:00 pm Spanish-language Misa.

Youth Group

St. Michael's House 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Youth Group is for 6th- through 12th-graders who gather on Sunday evenings for conversation, snacks and games.

Women’s NA group

Nativity Hall 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Weekly meeting of the Lost & Found women's Narcotics Anonymous group

Evening Prayer

Church sanctuary 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

A brief prayer service happening in the church before Bible Lab this fall

Bible Lab

Parish Hall 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

A new series this fall called Bible Lab on Monday nights from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, beginning October 1 and continuing through December 17

ViVoce rehearsal

Church sanctuary, Music Room 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States


Nativity Hall, Raphael Room and others 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

The Catechumenate is the primary parish process for incorporating new Christians into life in Christ through Holy Baptism. It also serves to support those persons already baptized who are coming […]


Entire propery

The Men and Women on Wednesday meet weekly to perform maintenance work around the church buildings and enjoy each other's company and delicious snacks.

St. Michael’s Choristers rehearsal

Nativity Hall 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

The youth choir program at St. Michael’s is based on the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) tradition and is open to all treble voices between the ages of 8-18.

Evening Prayer

Church sanctuary 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

St. Michael’s Singers rehearsal

Nativity Hall 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

The St. Michael's Singers is our main adult choir, rehearsing every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and singing every Sunday morning at 9:00 and/or 11:00 am.