Church News

From our Curate: Time for a Summer Read!

One of my favorite aspects about summer is the freedom to read books. This is a long-standing love of mine. I have some great childhood memories of long hours of lazing away the summer days while reading. I would jump on my bike and ride to the city library and pack up a basket full of books. I was enthusiastic (nerdy?) enough to join the reading programs where I would receive a paper print out and then acquire a stamped ‘thumbs-up’ when completing a book.

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Music for June 16 – 30

For the services on June 16, we welcome soprano Kaeli, who will sing an excerpt from Handel’s “Messiah” at the 9:00 am service. At the 11:00 am service, soprano Jennifer will sing Schubert’s classic “Ave Maria.” Also featured are a few musical selections to honor the Juneteenth holiday, including an organ prelude composed by Uzee Brown, Jr.

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Newcomer Forum on June 23

All are invited to the forum next Sunday, June 23, at 10:15 am to learn more about how we can be more intentional about the way we welcome newcomers and help them find their place in the parish. The Newcomer Committee has accomplished a great deal in the few months since they were reconstituted over six months ago.

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