Celebrating the Feast of Pentecost

On Sunday, we’ll celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, as the Great 50 Days of Easter draws to a close. In that first Pentecost of the Church, the Holy Spirit came in the form of wind and fire to people gathered from many places, and divided by language, culture, and experience. When the Spirit arrives, divisions are overcome, so that everyone may receive Good News about God and become community to embody that goodness together.

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Good Friday, Easter Vigil & Easter Day

All are invited to participate in our remaining Holy Week services! Tonight at 6:30 pm is our bilingual Good Friday service. It will begin in the courtyard and include Stations of the Cross. The St. Michael’s Singers will provide musical leadership.

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Feast of All Saints/Día de Todos los Santos

On Sunday, November 5, we celebrate All Saints Sunday, a day to honor our deceased loved ones. The names of many of those who died since last All Saints are listed in the bulletins and will be read aloud during the services. Some of those who attend the 1:00 service set up the Altar de los Muertos in the church last Sunday, and there are photos on the altar of some of our loved ones. These photographs and remembrances represent the “great cloud of witnesses” which surround us.

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Celebration of New Ministry

Thursday, October 5, at 6:30 pm, we celebrate the long-awaited installation of the Rev. R. Scott Painter as our 8th Rector. All are invited and welcome! This will be an evening of great tradition and joy, with Bishop Diana presiding and preaching. Eucharist will be included in the service, which will be bilingual, and many clergy in the diocese will be in attendance as well as many of Scott+’s family and friends

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Eucharist in the Park & Parish Picnic

Plans are coming together for our Eucharist and picnic next Sunday, August 27, with the gathering beginning at 10:00 am and the service at 11:00. Please note that there WILL be a 7:30 am service but NO 10:00 am or 1:00 pm services at the church. We’ll be gathering at Wilshire Park in Northeast Portland in sites A and B.

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The Day of Pentecost

On Sunday, May 28, we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. At St. Michael’s, that means that we gather in the Nave under beautiful, colorful hangings and descending doves. We listen to traditional Pentecost readings and dress in red, orange and yellow clothing.

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The Triduum – The Great Three Days

Our remaining Holy Week services begin on April 6, Maundy Thursday, with our Maundy Thursday Agapé Supper at 6:00 pm and Liturgy of the Last Supper at 7:00. All are welcome! All of these services (except the 7:30 am Easter morning) will be live-streamed. The Easter Vigil and Easter Day liturgies will be followed by receptions in the Parish Hall.

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A Note from Sherman on Maundy Thursday

Tonight we enter the Great Three Days with a meal and a service focused on servant leadership, as modeled by Jesus at the Last Supper by washing his disciples’ feet. Tomorrow evening we will join with the Misa community to walk the way of the Cross. And on Saturday evening, we will gather just after sunset to light the Paschal Fire; retell the stories of Creation, the Exodus, and Ezekiel’s visions about Dry Bones and a New Heart; renew our baptismal promises; and celebrate the first Eucharist of the Day of Resurrection.

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Holy Week Schedule

Lent ends in less than two weeks, on Palm/Passion Sunday. Before then, we have Sunday’s service for Lent V, on March 26. The Rev. Sherman Hesselgrave will preside, and the Rev. Dcn. Marla McGarry-Lawrence, retired deacon, will preach. Our two book studies wrap up as well, the bilingual one this Sunday at 2:30 pm and the other, led by Sherman, on Wednesday, March 29. Our last Soup Supper and Holden Evening Prayer will happen on that Wednesday as well. Attendance has been holding steady at about 20, with all enjoying two delicious soups and singing this brief, beautiful service together. The supper begins at 5:30 pm and the service at 6:15 pm.

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Shrove Tuesday & Ash Wednesday

Shrove Tuesday is on February 21! We’re looking forward to enjoying a delicious pancake supper for the first time since February 2020. The MOWs are joining forces with the youth to offer this event to the parish. For Ash Wednesday, February 22, we will offer two services, at 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm. Both services will include Eucharist and the imposition of ashes.

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