Our Parish Profile 2022
The position of Rector for St. Michael & All Angels is open for applications. the Parish Profile as well as information on the application process can be found by clicking the “Read More.”
The position of Rector for St. Michael & All Angels is open for applications. the Parish Profile as well as information on the application process can be found by clicking the “Read More.”
All are welcome for our Holy Week services, beginning on Sunday, April 10, Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion. Below is the general outline of Holy Week. Click “read more” for a more detailed schedule and ways to support St. Michael’s this Easter season.
While Episcopal Relief & Development appreciates the offers to donate physical goods, the most effective way to help right now is through prayer and by making a financial contribution.
Following the guidance of the diocese and the Governor’s office, we are relaxing our masking requirement effective Saturday, March 12, and masking will be optional and honored for those that would prefer to continue to mask in group settings.
We’re looking for some social-media and tech savvy volunteers to help with such things as online moderation and video production.
Do you have a devotional practice around what you read in the morning? Would you like to develop one? Many people of prayer have kept books of inspirational texts and poetry nearby to tune their hearts with first thing in the morning.
Padre Beto Arciniega is offering Stations of the Cross/Viacrucis in Lent on Fridays at 7:00 pm. These are in Spanish and on Zoom for a more interactive experience.
One of the shining moments of the inauguration of President Biden that I want to continue to reflect and pray about was Amanda Gorman, the nation’s first-ever youth poet laureate, reading her poem
The Episcopal Church is clear that our mission is to offer a sacred welcome to immigrants and refugees and to work toward immigrant justice. But just how do we do this? What are we called to do as Episcopalians and members of St Michael’s?
Be reminded to breathe. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Lower your shoulders. Unclench your jaw. Breathe in. Breathe out.
Sunday Services
7:30 – Rite I Traditional language with no music.
9:00 – Rite II Holy Eucharist with choir
11:00 – Inclusive language with choir
1:00 pm – Misa en Español
© 2023 St. Michael & All Angels