Holy Week & Easter
All are invited to join us here at St. Michael’s for our Holy Week services, starting with Palm Sunday on March 24 and ending with Easter Sunday on March 31.
All are invited to join us here at St. Michael’s for our Holy Week services, starting with Palm Sunday on March 24 and ending with Easter Sunday on March 31.
Would you like to grow spiritually in 2022? Would you like to find a way, along with others, to reflect on the Gospel reading each week and discover its deeper meaning for your life? A small group of other community members who meet weekly for one hour to pray and reflect together on the upcoming Gospel reading may be what you are seeking.
If you have not attended an 11:00 am Courtyard Service watch this video sampler. Come early and join in socializing with the 9:00 am group and then grab a folding chair or bring your own for the courtyard experience.
You no longer need to sign up to attend either of our Sunday services in English. Our numbers have stayed comfortably on the low side and well within the OHA guidelines, and we anticipate that will continue throughout the summer. If you are already signed up for one or more Sundays in July and August – no worries, you don’t need to delete yourself from SignUpGenius. The 11:00 am service will continue as it has – in the courtyard most of the time and inside the church during periods of rain, extreme heat and possibly smoke.
This Sunday, May 23, we celebrate the moveable feast of Pentecost, which is celebrated on the 50th day (the seventh Sunday) from Easter Sunday. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem, as described in Acts 2:1-31.
Our Ash Wednesday services are at 7:00 am, 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm, all virtual. Please check our Facebook page, the home page of this website or our YouTube channel, STMAA Connection, to watch. The evening service will be bilingual, with music led by our usual Sunday small ensemble of awesome singers and musicians! Click here for the bulletin for all three services. The morning and noon services will be on pages 1-6, and the evening service on pages 7-20.
The new year 2020 offers another opportunity to join the St. Michael’s community at prayer. This simple, brief and engaging prayer offering follows the worship tradition of the Taizé Community
The new year 2020 offers another opportunity to join the St. Michael’s community at prayer. This simple, brief and engaging prayer offering follows the worship tradition of the Taizé Community
Sunday Services
7:30 – Rite I Traditional language with no music.
9:00 – Rite II Holy Eucharist with choir
11:00 – Inclusive language with choir
1:00 pm – Misa en Español
© 2023 St. Michael & All Angels