
Music News

Are you a long-time choir member? Someone who’s thinking of joining one of our choirs in the fall? Just like to sing and want to see what it’s like to sit in the chancel area on Sunday morning? Any and all are welcome to join a summer pickup choir this Sunday, June 30, for the 10:00 am service.

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Rector’s Town Hall on June 30

We are arriving at the midway point in this year, and it is an important time in the life of our community. On Sunday, June 30, I will offer a town hall forum from 11:30-12:30 to share together about some of the poignant matters arising in the second half of 2024 and looking ahead toward 2025 for St. Michael’s. Topics will include staff transitions, finances and strategic-vision development.

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From our Curate: Time for a Summer Read!

One of my favorite aspects about summer is the freedom to read books. This is a long-standing love of mine. I have some great childhood memories of long hours of lazing away the summer days while reading. I would jump on my bike and ride to the city library and pack up a basket full of books. I was enthusiastic (nerdy?) enough to join the reading programs where I would receive a paper print out and then acquire a stamped ‘thumbs-up’ when completing a book.

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Music for June 16 – 30

For the services on June 16, we welcome soprano Kaeli, who will sing an excerpt from Handel’s “Messiah” at the 9:00 am service. At the 11:00 am service, soprano Jennifer will sing Schubert’s classic “Ave Maria.” Also featured are a few musical selections to honor the Juneteenth holiday, including an organ prelude composed by Uzee Brown, Jr.

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Newcomer Forum on June 23

All are invited to the forum next Sunday, June 23, at 10:15 am to learn more about how we can be more intentional about the way we welcome newcomers and help them find their place in the parish. The Newcomer Committee has accomplished a great deal in the few months since they were reconstituted over six months ago.

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Summer Schedule for Services & Church Office

Our summer schedule begins on Sunday, June 30! Our services will be at 8:00 am (Rite I) and 10:00 am. We hope that this more relaxed schedule will work well for clergy, staff and parishioners, and will offer the opportunity for people who consistently attend the 9:00 or the 11:00 to worship together for a couple of months.

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Music Update

Our annual Broadway Night fundraiser this past weekend was a huge success, thanks to your support and the efforts of numerous volunteers! Over 200 people attended the two shows, and we raised $12,000 after expenses.

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