
Forum: Ukrainian Easter Eggs

The ancient art of pysanky dates back to pre-Christian times. All are invited to come learn about the history of this beautiful tradition, the tools used and the meaning behind the colors and symbols. A short demonstration will model the process of creating pysanky. Helen C. will present this forum on Sunday, April 14, at 10:15 am in the Nativity Hall.

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Upcoming Music Offerings

The memorial service for devoted choir member Sandy Yarno, who passed away in November, is this Saturday at 1:00 pm. Members from both adult choirs will combine to sing two anthems in memory of Sandy, including Bobby McFerrin’s beloved arrangement of the 23rd Psalm. We are honored to celebrate Sandy’s legacy of loyal, joyful singing!

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Supporting “The Earth Bill”

As a way of acting out our faith, we can engage with and help form public policy. Peter Sergienko has been working for several years to draft and pass federal climate legislation to stop climate pollution that is commonly known as “The Earth Bill.” The Earth Bill network is now seeking senate sponsors,

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Youth Group on Sunday

On Sunday, April 14, Scott+ will return for two events. First, from 10:15 to 10:45 am, he will lead a Summer Service Trip talk, location tba. Then from 3:30 to 5:30 pm, there will be an opportunity for families of St. Michael’s to be in community with Scott+ and discuss a number of topics.

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Music Program Update

The St. Michael’s choirs and music staff have been enjoying some downtime this week after an incredible Holy Week and Easter filled with musical highs! Thank you to all who participated in producing powerful music last week, from our volunteer youth and adult singers and professional section leaders to the Portland Brass Quintet, Brian, Hannah, and YOU in the pews singing your hearts out.

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Let us Keep the (50-day) Feast!

Happy Easter! We’ve only just begun to celebrate. You might know that Easter is the pinnacle celebration of the church year. At the Easter Vigil, we ended the fast of Lent and welcomed Easter light and life with great rejoicing. Now, amidst the Great 50 Days of the Easter season, spanning from Easter Day to Pentecost, we are invited to embrace the transformative power of resurrection in our hearts, through our lives, and for the whole world.

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Good Friday, Easter Vigil & Easter Day

All are invited to participate in our remaining Holy Week services! Tonight at 6:30 pm is our bilingual Good Friday service. It will begin in the courtyard and include Stations of the Cross. The St. Michael’s Singers will provide musical leadership.

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