
Guest Preacher on February 25

Today, we welcome Brian Litzenberger to preach at the 9:00 and 11:00 am services and also to lead a forum between the services. He is the son of a longtime parishioner and a lifelong Episcopalian who grew up at St. Michael’s and sang in the choir. At 10:15 am in the Nativity Hall, Brian will present a forum entitled “Faith Based Psychotherapy: Finding Grace in the Wilderness.”

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The Month of February is Black History Month in this Country.

Originally focused on highlighting culture and contributions to society by members of the African diaspora, the emphasis has taken on new urgency and importance in recent years. As culture warriors and politicians attempt to erase histories that are unfavorable to dominant (white) narratives, and roll back diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives throughout society, it is important to educate ourselves beyond the myriad contributions of Black folk.

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Advocacy Action Activity

Advocacy Action Sunday is February 11th. This month, at the encouragement of the Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN), we will be writing to our elected officials to urge them to support a FY2024 budget that provides robust funding for Election Security Grants. Look for the Advocacy Action table after the 9:00 am service this Sunday, and thank you for your support of this important issue.

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Shrove Tuesday & Ash Wednesday

We will have our “Episcopal” version of Mardi Gras at St. Michael & All Angels with a pancake supper at the church on Tuesday, February 13. Make plans to join us for a festive pre-Lenten get-together. The following day, February 14, is Ash Wednesday. Prayers and “ashes to go” will be available in the courtyard between 7:30 and 8:00 am. Services also will be at noon and at 7:00 pm. The evening service will be bilingual with music led by the St. Michael’s Singers.

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“Jane Austen’s Parlour”

Are you bummed that Valentine’s Day falls on Ash Wednesday this year? Celebrate your loved one(s) instead by coming to Jane Austen’s Parlour at St. Michael’s on Saturday, February 17, at 4:00 pm. Hannah’s chamber music collaborative Ensemble Boulanger will present songs, piano duets and piano solos in the Nativity Hall, alongside tea, biscuits and other goodies.

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Invite, Welcome & Connect

In recent months, a Newcomers Committee has been formed to help think through the ways we welcome folks to St. Michael’s and walk together into greater connection and involvement in the parish community. I am grateful to the convener and members of this group as well as the Junior Warden for the People and the Senior Warden of the Vestry.

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Music for Sunday, February 11

On Sunday, February 11, our recognition of Black History Month continues with an organ prelude by Robert A. Harris (b. 1938). Harris is a Professor Emeritus at Northwestern University and has served nationally and internationally as a conductor, composer and clinician.

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