The Annual Meeting was held last Sunday, January 29, and announcements were made that are important to us as a community. Among the most exciting was that The Rev. Julia Nielsen and The Rev. Sherman Hesselgrave will be sharing the interim duties at St. Michael’s during this transition period. You can watch the meeting here on STMAA Connection.
On Sunday, February 6, we will have the opportunity for a “meet ‘n greet” with Jules and Sherman. They will share a bit about themselves and their roles at St. Michael’s and then open the discussion for some Q&A.
If you have questions or concerns that were not addressed at the Annual Meeting, please email them to Senior Warden Rick Parker.
Here’s another look at the 2021/2022 Budget, and click here for the Annual Report. There will be hard copies available on Sunday, or you can drop by the office during the week to pick one up.