The Story of Lazarus,
Our Story
This week, we celebrated the spring equinox and the first full day of spring. As spring weather takes hold, we are invited to awaken to the stirrings of new life and renewed hope, winter’s stone is rolling away. Daffodils, crocuses and even some tulips have heard their names called and have unwrapped their faces to display their color and beauty, fresh from their winter tombs.
We are also called forth, to emerge from our tombs, to name what binds us, what keeps us from becoming fully alive, fully who we are created to be. In life, we encounter stones that seal us off from life and cloth of various kinds that bind us in our journey of transformation. A rolling-away of those stones and an unraveling of the bindings can only happen when we allow our hearts to be softened by God’s love and become open to the change and transformation we seek. We also need each other, to be companions in that life-long journey of transformation, to roll away the stones in our path, to help unbind us, to help us see with the eyes of the heart, to become the hands and heart of Jesus as we help to unbind others.
As we continue our journey toward Easter, may we look within us for signs of new life bursting forth. May we look to our neighbors and do the works of justice to unbind them and ourselves.
May we empower each other to become fully alive. Smell the blossomed air!
a blessing . . .
for waking up
to life again
— Mary Myers, chaplain, spiritual director & St. Michael’s parishioner