A note from Sherman

Dear Friends,

Last week, for the first time since before the pandemic, the clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon spent a couple days of retreat with Bishop Akiyama, in person. The guest speaker on Tuesday, Dr. Mandy Davis, (PSU), focused on Toxic Stress, Trauma-Informed Care, and Pathways to Healing. There have been so many different kinds of trauma in the last couple of years: health, economic, and community-disruption are a few. The journey to healing may take years, with many baby steps. And we all heal at our own pace.

As a community that has worked to stay connected virtually when we could not meet physically, we have come to appreciate the convenience of the Hollywood Squares of Zoom. What have been some of the things we discovered that edified us, that we found spiritually literate, that were like the Balm in Gilead for us, during this time? Did we develop any new practices because of the pandemic? It is hard to imagine discontinuing live-streaming worship services, now that we can worship in person again.  

Our context for ministry is always changing. The challenges of today are not the challenges of even two years ago. What adaptations do we need to make to navigate new circumstances? I think it was Winston Churchill who advised taking change by the hand before it takes us by the throat. We still have choices to exercise.

The staff has been weighing the merits of modifying our Sunday service schedule for the summer. From Trinity Sunday (June 12th) until Labor Day Weekend the 9:00 and 11:00 services will be replaced with one service at 10:00 (live-streamed). The 7:30 AM Rite I service and the 1:00 Misa will continue. Make a note: Summer at St Michael’s at 10:00.

Blessings of new life,

Fr. Sherman
