Rector’s Town Hall on June 30

We are arriving at the midway point in this year, and it is an important time in the life of our community. On Sunday, June 30, I will offer a town hall forum from 11:30-12:30 to share together about some of the poignant matters arising in the second half of 2024 and looking ahead toward 2025 for St. Michael’s. Topics will include staff transitions, finances and strategic-vision development.

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Palm Sunday/ Sunday of the Passion

Today begins our Holy Week services and events at St. Michael’s. Both the 9:00 and 11:00 am services begin in the courtyard, weather permitting. (If raining, they will begin in the Nativity Hall.) The 9:00 will include processing around the block with palm fronds and song to commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

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Music for Sunday, March 17

Sunday’s music delves into the classic Lenten theme of inward-looking poignancy. The choir will sing two anthems exploring the anticipation of life after death, William L. Dawson’s popular arrangement of the African-American Spiritual “Soon ah will be done” and John Rutter’s “God be in my head.”

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Upcoming Music Events

A week from Sunday is our first Choral Evensong of 2024! Please join us at 5:00 pm on February 4 as we celebrate the Feast of Candlemas, commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple forty days after Christmas. In addition, a non-liturgical music event coming up at St. Michael’s is “Jane Austen’s Parlour” on Saturday, February 17, at 4:00 pm.

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Introducing SuEllen Pommier

The Rev. SuEllen Pommier will join us as Curate in January, 2024. Bishop Akiyama will appoint SuEllen to a six-month placement as Curate at St. Michael’s next year. A curate is a newly-ordained or soon-to-be-ordained priest who serves a first call in an established parish to work with a mentoring priest. A curacy placement is meant to be mutually beneficial, in that our parish will receive some much-needed clergy support and SuEllen will be in safe and healthy context to learn and grow into her new ministry as a priest.

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Reflection & Blessing for the Longest Night

The Winter Solstice on December 21st is the longest and darkest night of the year. It can be uncomfortable being in the dark, and we feel that discomfort living in these dark times of uncertainty, confusion, chaos and change in our own lives, the life of our community and in our world. The darkness may seem more intense as we live in the midst of what, for many, is a joyous festive season. We wait for and long for light, healing and renewed hope in our hearts. On Tuesday, December 20, at 7:00 pm we will come together to celebrate the Longest Night Service and pause to honor the fullness of the darkness in our lives at this time and our dream of returning light.

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Bathroom Remodel Complete!

Most of you are aware that the women’s bathroom downstairs has been in the process of remodel for several months. It’s been quietly used for the past few weeks, but it’s now officially completed – and it’s beautiful! We are very grateful first of all to Jan P., who donated ample funds for the project in memory of Mickey Harnage. Sheri O. also donated the profits from the Red Door Artisan Fair (around $1,000) to the bathroom fund.

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Advent Lessons & Carols

On Saturday, December 21, hear the traditional stories and songs of Christmas, with anthems sung by the St. Michael’s Singers and Choristers, including Howells’ A Spotless Rose, Rachmaninoff’s Bogoroditsye Dyevo,

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