Transition Update – June 2

All surveys must be submitted by this Sunday, June 5. Among other things, the survey is your final opportunity to tell the transition committees which ministries at St. Michael’s are most important to you, which ones you participate in, and what qualities you most want to see in our new rector.

The Profile Committee has already begun the process of writing the St. Michael’s Profile. Their meetings are filled with discussions of the results of the Listening Sessions, questions and suggestions from the Bulletin Board, the surveys that have been pouring in over the past two weeks, as well as any that are received between now and Sunday, plus profiles prepared by other churches when they went through this process. There is much to go over, but the committee is focused and working hard. Watch for the profile when it has been completed and submitted to the Search Committee.

If you haven’t had the chance to complete the survey, you can do it online through the link in your Thursday eblast, or by picking up a paper copy in either English or Spanish from the Welcome Desk in the Gallery – but please remember to turn it in to the office by the 5th!
