This I Believe: Children & Families

This I Believe…

There is no one right way to “do church” with your kids. Getting everyone out the door and going to church as a family can be a lot of work, and it’s worth it! Families with children and youth are life-giving to other families and to the entire faith community – like water in the desert.

Attending church in person with your family on a regular basis is vital so that children can experience life in a faith community where they are known, loved, and nurtured in the Christian faith. “Regular” church attendance means different things for different families – once a week, twice a month, or as often as you can – and that’s okay!

Children learn by doing and by watching what the grown-ups in their lives do (not just what they say). Routines are important to help children build healthy habits, grow, and thrive. Don’t kid yourselves that you can bring your child to church (or any house of worship) a few times a year and expect them to grow up with a strong foundation in that faith tradition. No one would expect a child to “take piano lessons” twice a year and then at age eighteen become proficient in the language, understanding and skill set needed to play a beautiful piece of music that speaks to their heart.

St. Michael & All Angels Church Loves Children!

  • Children and youth are full members of the Body of Christ and an integral and important part of the St. Michael’s faith community.
  • Children and youth are individuals, ready for different experiences at different times.
  • It is a joy and a privilege to accompany young people as they grow in the light and love of Christ.

— Leslie Sackett, Associate for Ministry with Children & Families
