Greetings, St. Michael’s!
While Chris is away this week for a time of hiking and renewal with colleagues, I want to reiterate what she mentioned here last week about the gift of seeing you. For me, seeing you is a gift in person or online. Seeing our choristers on the video they made was a gift. Seeing folks that I hadn’t seen in six months bring in their pets for a blessing was a gift. It used to be that Sunday mornings were full of these little graces. It’s always the things that other people bring, the way someone reads a reading, a particular anthem, that catch me off guard and break my heart open a little bit so the Spirit can get in.
With the hurdles of doing things differently now, those moments can be more difficult to find; and on a good day, I remember to try a little harder to look for them. I encourage you to do the same, to lean into the places that may not feel quite the same as they used to and see if you can’t find something familiar. I find moments of reassurance leaning into these awkward, frustrating places. Each time I see a member of our community there on the other side, even if that’s just a name popping up on a screen, I’m reminded of the great community we have together and who we’re walking this road forward with. In the next several months I think we’ll need each other more than ever, and I’m glad for the ways we see that happening.
I’m looking forward to more of you!
Peace, James +