From Associate Rector James Joiner:

Last week, we finished up a round of our new small groups by Zoom, and they turned out to be a great way to connect with each other in the midst of uncertain times to process all the things going on in our world right now. For me personally, I know I can spend a lot of time reading the news right now and tumbling through a whole roller coaster of responses from fear to anger to confusion and more. I’ve found that roller coaster can become even more amplified when I’m processing all those things alone in my own house without others to check in with.
Over the past month, especially, the small groups became a great place for folks to discuss those kinds of things together; and we found that often times we left our conversations feeling more hopeful and uplifted after having talked to and prayed with one another. If you’ve been through our Catechumenate program, these small groups are similar in some ways to those – getting to know a handful of folks over a small period of time, deepening relationships one conversation and prayer at a time. I facilitate the conversation and lead the prayers at the end of each group. Right now, I’d say this is one of the biggest places where I’m able to connect with other parishioners while we’re distanced. If you’d like to sign up to be in a four-week group in July, you can click here.
Also, new this month, Julie Ort will be leading a small group to pray the Anglican Rosary on Wednesday nights. This can also be a wonderful way to spend time drawing closer to God together. Even if you’re unfamiliar with the Anglican Rosary, you’ll find support and instruction for joining in. The signup for this group is the same as above.